New legislation on plastic services

On 3 July 2021, new legislation will come into force banning disposable and plastic cutlery. This legislation is part of the EU's strategy to limit plastic waste.


Products that are completely prohibited are:

- Disposable plastic cutlery

- Plastic plates

- Plastic stirring sticks and straws

- Cups, food and beverage containers, made of expanded polystyrene (EPS).

(However, extruded polystyrene (XPS) is still allowed)


What do I do then?

The products that were ordered and/or arrived in Denmark before July 1 2021 may be used and used until the warehouse is empty. Thus, destruction and waste are avoided.

However, this means that it is necessary as a restaurateur to find alternatives to these products. At Karl Lund, we offer approved disposable packaging in cardboard, wood and reusable cutlery.

Disposable tableware such as plates, salad cups and bowls are still legal, as cardboard and wood are natural products that do not harm the environment.

In addition, replace disposable cutlery with reusable cutlery , which can withstand the dishwasher, can be sorted like plastic and reused.

See all our approved products here.

Read more about the legislation here .