Shipping bags are a cheap and fast way to send less sensitive goods such as clothing ;. The shipping bags are closed with a permanent strip of tape that provides security for your products, as they cannot be opened without being seen. Our shipping bags allow you to reduce shipping costs while protecting your products from moisture damage and dirt.
The shipping bags are made of a strong quality with high puncture strength and tear resistance, which makes the bags ideal for shipping clothes, textiles or soft products. We have standard shipping bags for; stock in different sizes, colors and quality for fast delivery.
Mail order bags are more and more necessary as online shopping increases year after year, especially even if you have a traditional shop, så is it a must to have mail order bags in addition to the regular carrier bags. We only sell mail order bags in retail; quantities where you can be content with buying only 100 pcs. See our entire our selection of mail order bags here.
Bags for sending clothes do not need to be lined, since soft clothes are not damaged by rough handling by the packaging companies. Should you, on the other hand, send more delicate products and want bags for sending books, jewelery or other gifts, search; we recommend envelopes with bubble wrap. See our selection of bubble envelopes here .
We have white bubble envelopes in many sizes, black bubble envelopes in two sizes, and – if it has to be extra festive: bubble bags in pink bubble wrap in two sizes.
Cheap shipping bags keep your shipping costs downå low as possible. The cheapest shipping bags are the black ones, which we stock in four sizes, and our best-selling model is the black shipping bag in size 34 x 42 cm. Køb cheap shipping bags here.< /span>
Paper shipping bags have the advantage that you can stamp onå those with a logo stamp. På this way you get shipping bags with a logo without having to buy a large quantity. Our paper shipping bags are packed with 100 or 250 pieces. depending on the size, and they have a self-adhesive tape closure. Old-fashioned sample bags can also be used as a små shipping bags in paper, and you can find them here.
Do you want to read more about the possibility of getting made a logo stamp for paper shipping bags, så click here.
< h2 class="MsoNormal">Eco-Friendly Shipping Bags h2>
Eco-friendly shipping bags can either be made from sugar cane or recycled plastic. Our organic shipping bags are at least 85% plant-based, made from residues from sugarcane production in Brazil and finished in Denmark. Sugarcane has the same good properties as plastic and can be recycled after use and become recycled plastic. Buy eco-friendly shipping bags made from sugarcane here.
Recycled plastic shipping bags are alsoå an environmentally friendly solution. Our reusable mail order bags are made from a minimum of 80% recycled plastic and have a black inside to ensure complete privacy. Køb shipping bags in recycled plastic here.
Always remember to sort the shipping bags correctly after use: plastic and sugarcane bags must go in the plastic waste container and paper shipping bags in the paper container.
Watch our inspiration video with shipping bags and postal bags here:
Karl Lund Papir Engros A/S
Everything in packaging and wrapping
Ryesgade 19-21 2200 København N
+45 35 35 46 66
VAT no. 85572210